

Titel: [Playing Cards No. 666]
Karten: 52 Karten, 3 Joker
Format: 57 x 88 mm, französisches Blatt (Kreuz, Pik, Herz, Karo)
Hersteller: Playing-Card Factory and Printing House
Jahr: 1963 /1970
Land: Ungarn
Herausgeber: Playing-Card Factory and Printing House
Darstellung: 55 farbige Zeichnungen
Beschreibung: Pin-Up Zeichungen von Sebok [Notiz aus dem Internet: Very rare deck probably was released only 1 edition. According to figures similar to the earlier deck g00728. 4 different other patterns, as well as some changes in other figures. Besides the drawings themselves on this deck in a rich color palette (get more picturesque) and are close, sometimes so that part of the picture remains outside the card.]
Nachweis: http://www.21king.ru/en/ --- http://www.a.trionfi.eu/WWPCM/decks03/d01071/d01071.htm
ID-No.: mas00108, a:55, b:Ungarn, c:1963, d:Illustration, e:PinUp, f:#

Kreuz Pik Herz Karo




Joker 1
Joker 2
Joker 3
Kartenrückseite '70

Kartenrückseite '70

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